Selected UNIDO field projects
A selection of UNIDO field projects within the Organization’s three thematic areas: Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities; Trade Capacity-Building; and Environment and Energy.
Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities
Global – Agribusiness and agro-industrial development
In partnership with other development partners and UN organizations, UNIDO initiated a joint programme (3ADI) in the areas of agribusiness value chains, food security, policies, financing and related trade. The initiative calls for the accelerated development of agribusiness and agro-industries to ensure value addition to agricultural products of developing countries.
Peru – Focus on Women in creative industries
With funding provided by the Government of Spain’s MDG Achievement Fund, UNIDO, together with five other UN agency partners, is working to redress prevailing inequalities through the development and coordination of large-scale economic empowerment projects in the creative industries sector.
Trade Capacity-Building
Ecuador – Revival of the textile/garment industry
Together with the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, UNIDO introduced a cluster approach to improve competitiveness and market access and helped establish business networks among leading enterprises.
Environment and Energy
Argentina – Preparatory Project to Facilitate the Implementation of the Legally Binding Instrument on Mercury (Minamata Convention) in Argentina to Protect Health and the Environment
Colombia – Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Gold Mining and Extraction Technologies
The project promoted sound management of mercury to reduce the risks associated with mercury use in ASGM, while improving the environmental and economic performance of the sector.
Ecuador and Peru – Implementing Integrated Measures for Minimizing Mercury Releases from Artisanal Gold Mining
The project aims to reduce the use and emissions of mercury in ASGM by promoting low-mercury and mercury free technologies at local pilot sites.
Global – Chemical Leasing: Redefining the Sustainable Management of Chemicals
Chemical Leasing is service-orientated business model that adopts a multi-stakeholder approach to promote the sound and efficient management of chemicals throughout their life-cycle. UNIDO, with the direct support of the governments of Austria and Germany, has been pioneering Chemical Leasing in developing countries and transition economies since 2004. Download the factsheet, which takes a closer look at how Chemical Leasing brings about a win-win situation for the chemical supplier and the chemical user, as well as the environment.
Guatemala – National Cleaner Production Centre
The Centre is a non-profit technical institution and is supported by UNIDO, UNEP, as well as some national institutions such as the Del Valle University, the Sugar Manufacturers Association and the Chamber of Industry.
Gulf of Mexico – Protecting the ecosystem
In partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the Governments of Mexico and the United States, UNIDO initiated a regional project to promote sustainable management of the Gulf’s resources with a focus on restoring fisheries and fish stocks and reducing nutrient enrichment to safe ecosystem levels.
Venezuela – Phase-out Management Plan for Annex C Group I Substances (HCFCs, HPMP)
The project will seek to reduce HCFC consumption in the refrigeration and air conditioning servicing sector through training on responsible use of HCFCs, including good operation, maintenance and servicing practices in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, including containment and recovery and recycling.