Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID)
UNIDO aspires to reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable industrial development. All countries should have the opportunity to grow a flourishing productive sector, to increase their participation in international trade and to safeguard their environment.
Inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) means that:
– Every country achieves a higher level of industrialization in their economies, and benefits from the globalization of markets for industrial goods and services.
– No one is left behind in benefiting from industrial growth, and prosperity is shared among women and men in all countries.
– Broader economic and social growth is supported within an environmentally sustainable framework.
– Unique knowledge and resources are combined of all relevant development actors to maximize the development impact of ISID.
Download the publication “Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development: Creating Shared Prosperity, Safeguarding the Environment” in Arabic, Chinese, English, French,Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish.
Find out more about the Sustainable Development Goals.