Opening remakrs at the Green Industry Platform’s Advisory Board meeting, New York, 22 September 2014
Today’s meeting is being held on the eve of the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit, and at a time in which our future development trajectory is being charted through the post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Major intergovernmental decisions such as these will significantly shape the future operating environment, and the purpose, of initiatives like the Green Industry Platform.
Lecture at the Columbia School of Engineering/School of Public Administration (SEPA), New York, 22 September 2014
In today’s dialogue, you asked me to address the “Role of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the Post-2015 Development Agenda”. Thank you for choosing such a pertinent and timely topic – for all countries, industrializing and industrialized countries alike.
Opening remarks at the Maritime Silk Road Forum in Xiamen, China, 8 September 2014
The concept of the renewed maritime Silk Road is intended to strengthen the links between established and emerging economies through facilitated trade and upgraded infrastructure. This strongly echoes the values and precepts which UNIDO promotes through its mandate of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development. Through the transfer of not only goods and money, but also of knowledge, technology, and know-how, the benefits of economic cooperation will become tangible to everyone.
Speech at the opening of the 18th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), Xiamen, China, 8 September 2014
Industrial parks have successfully been used as a testing ground for new reforms, policies, and approaches, to improve the business environment, as demonstrated in many East Asian countries. When these countries had limited resources, industrial parks helped solve business infrastructure problems in particular geographical areas and were used to overcome barriers to firm entry, attract foreign direct investment, foster skilled manpower, and facilitate the growth of local SME clusters.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the fourth China-Eurasia Expo “Jointly build the silk road economic belt in an open and cooperative way”, Urumqi, China, 1 September 2014
I believe that the principles of ISID must be embedded in the plans for the Silk Road Economic Belt. The concept of building such an Economic Belt was put forward by President Xi Jinping of China during his state visit in September 2013 to four central Asian countries. His proposal was positively received by the leaders of these countries. Since then, the concept has been growing in popularity.
Speech at the Briefing to Permanent Missions on the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda and the second UNIDO ISID Forum, Vienna, 23 July 2o14
I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the positioning of UNIDO and our mandate of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID) in the post-2015 processes, and on the current status of the ISID campaign. In addition, I would also like to provide you with some advance information on the second forum that we are planning to host later this year in connection with our efforts to operationalize the implementation of ISID through a partnership-based approach.
Closing speech on the occasion of the UNIDO Forum on Strategies and Instruments for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development(ISID), Vienna, 24 June 2014
Invaluable insights have also been given by the practitioners, the private sector, regional groupings and our sister UN agencies. I am indebted to you all. UNIDO has received very positive feedback throughout the Forum and we can all be very proud of the high quality of the discussions.
Statement at the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Group of 77, Vienna, 23 June 2014
The establishment of the Group in June 1964 during UNCTAD 1 has been described by many as one of the significant political phenomena of the post- second World War era, when developing countries and emerging nations of the south found a common voice and gathered around a common platform, thus establishing the Group system as the most enduring instrument of multilateral international…
Speech on the occasion of the UNIDO Forum on Strategies and Instruments for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID), Vienna, 23 June 2014
The ISID approach departs from the past models of development which are not working for all and are not sustainable. It emphasizes three pillars; social, environmental and economic.
Speech for the Europe and Central Asia Regional Consultations, Bratislava, 17 June 2014
The topic at hand in this event shows that the days when the role of business in development was seen primarily as a matter of philanthropy are long gone. The problems facing our world today are multidimensional and too interconnected for unilateral approaches. Complex development priorities require systematic and vibrant global partnerships that succeed in connecting funding and expertise with local resources, implementation capacities, and ownership.
Speech to the 5th GEF Assembly Plenary, Cancun, 29 May 2014
I am honored to be with you today, as we come together at this historic occasion when the GEF donor countries have confirmed their commitment to set the GEF and its partners on a course of addressing the key drivers of global environmental degradation and achieving multiple environmental and development benefits.
Statement of the Director General at the 2nd Briefing to Member States on the Positioning of UNIDO and inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID), Vienna, 20 May 2014
It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you all today to this second briefing on the positioning of UNIDO and Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID) in the post-2015 processes.