Member State

Member States

As of 1 January 2014, 171 States are Members of UNIDO. This page lists all Member States of UNIDO including their date of membership and date of ratification, acceptance (A), approval (AA) or accession (a) to the Organization.

The date of membership is the date on which the Constitution of UNIDO came into force for each Member State.

Pursuant to article 25, the Constitution entered into force when at least eighty States having deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval had notified the Secretary-General that they had agreed, after consultation among themselves, that it should enter into force. For those States, the Constitution entered into force on that date (21 June 1985).

For States having deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval before 21 June 1985, but not participating in the said notification, the Constitution entered into force on such later date on which they notified the Secretary-General that the Constitution should enter into force for them.

For States having deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession subsequent to the entry into force of the Constitution, it entered into force on the date of the said deposit.

Clicking on the country name takes you to the relevant country profile.

Member State Date
of membership
Date of
acceptance (A),
approval (AA) or
accession (a)
Afghanistan 21-Jun-1985 9-Sept-1981
Albania 19-Apr-1988 19-Apr-1988 (a)
Algeria 21-Jun-1985 6-Nov-1980
Angola 9-Aug-1985 9-Aug-1985
Argentina 21-Jun-1985 6-Mar-1981
Armenia 12-May-1992 12-May-1992 (a)
Austria 21-Jun-1985 14-May-1981
Azerbaijan 23-Nov-1993 23-Nov-1993 (a)
Bahamas 13-Nov-1986 13-Nov-1986 (a)
Bahrain 4-Apr-1986 4-Apr-1986 (a)
Bangladesh 28-Jun-1985 5-Nov-1980
Barbados 21-Jun-1985 30-May-1980
Belarus 21-Jun-1985 17-Jun-1985
Belgium 21-Jun-1985 18 November 1981
Belize 27-Feb-1986 27-Feb-1986 (a)
Benin 8-Aug-1985 3-Mar-1983
Bhutan 23-Aug-1985 25-Oct-1983
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 21-Jun-1985 9-Jan-1981
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1-Oct-1992 1-Oct-1992 (a)
Botswana 21-Jun-1985 21-Jun-1985 (a)
Brazil 21-Jun-1985 10-Dec-1980
Bulgaria 21-Jun-1985 5-Jun-1985
Burkina Faso 16-Jul-1985 9-Jul-1982
Burundi 9-Aug-1985 9-Aug-1982
Cambodia 18-Sep-1995 18-Sep-1995 (a)
Cameroon 21-Jun-1985 18-Aug-1981
Cabo Verde 21-Jun-1985 27-Nov-1984
Central African Republic 9-Jan-1986 8-Jan-1982
Chad 22-Aug-1991 22-Aug-1991
Chile 21-Jun-1985 12-Nov-1981
China 21-Jun-1985 14-Feb-1980 (AA)
Colombia 30-Jul-1985 25-Nov-1981
Comoros 9-Jan-1986 10-May-1985
Congo 12-Jul-1985 16-May-1983
Costa Rica 26-Oct-1987 26-Oct-1987
Côte d’Ivoire 21-Jun-1985 4-Nov-1981
Croatia 2-Jun-1992 2-Jun-1992 (a)
Cuba 21-Jun-1985 16-Mar-1981
Cyprus 21-Jun-1985 28-Apr-1983
Czech Republic 22-Jan-1993 22-Jan-1993 (a)
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 24-Jun-1985 14-Sept-1981 (AA)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8-Jul-1985 9-Jul-1982
Denmark 21-Jun-1985 27-May-1981
Djibouti 20-Aug-1991 20-Aug-1991
Dominica 27-Nov-1985 8-Jun-1982
Dominican Republic 21-Jun-1985 29-Mar-1983
Ecuador 21-Jun-1985 15-Apr-1982
Egypt 21-Jun-1985 9-Jan-1981
El Salvador 29-Jan-1988 29-Jan-1988
Equatorial Guinea 20-Jan-1986 4-May-1984
Eritrea 20-Jun-1995 20-Jun-1995 (a)
Ethiopia 21-Jun-1985 23-Feb-1981
Fiji 30-Dec-1985 21-Dec-1985
Finland 21-Jun-1985 5-Jun-1981
France 21-Jun-1985 21-Jun-1985
Gabon 6-Aug-1985 1-Feb-1982
Gambia 12-Jun-1986 12-Jun-1986 (a)
Georgia 30-Oct-1992 30-Oct-1992 (a)
Germany 21-Jun-1985 13-July-1983
Ghana 30-Jul-1985 8-Feb-1982
Greece 21-Jun-1985 10-Jun-1983
Grenada 16-Jan-1986 16-Jan-1986 (a)
Guatemala 21-Jun-1985 8-Jul-1983
Guinea 21-Jun-1985 23-Jun-1980
Guinea-Bissau 21-Jun-1985 17-Mar-1983
Guyana 19-Jul-1985 17-Jul-1984
Haiti 5-Aug-1985 9-Jul-1982
Honduras 21-Jun-1985 3-Mar-1983
Hungary 2-Jul-1985 15-Aug-1983
India 21-Jun-1985 21-Jan-1980
Indonesia 21-Jan-1980 10-Nov-1980
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 9-Aug-1985 9-Aug-1985
Iraq 27-Jun-1985 23-Jan-1981
Ireland 21-Jun-1985 17-Jul-1984
Israel 21-Jun-1985 15-Nov-1983
Italy 21-Jun-1985 25-Mar-1985
Jamaica 21-Jun-1985 10-Dec-1982
Japan 21-Jun-1985 3-Jun-1980 (A)
Jordan 28-Oct-1985 30-Aug-1982
Kazakhstan 3-Jun-1997 3-Jun-1997 (a)
Kenya 21-Jun-1985 13-Nov-1981
Kuwait 30-Jul-1985 7-Apr-1982
Kyrgyzstan 8-Apr-1993 8-Apr-1993 (a)
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 3-Sep-1985 3-Jun-1980
Lebanon 6-Aug-1985 2-Aug-1983
Lesotho 21-Jun-1985 18-Jun-1981
Liberia 10-May-1990 10-May-1990
Libya 8-Aug-1985 29-Jan-1981
Luxembourg 21-Jun-1985 9-Sept-1983
Madagascar 21-Jun-1985 18-Jan-1980
Malawi 19-Jul-1985 30-May-1980
Malaysia 21-Jun-1985 28-Jul-1980
Maldives 10-May-1988 10-May-1988 (a)
Mali 17-Jul-1985 24-Jul-1981
Malta 21-Jun-1985 4-Nov-1982
Mauritania 9-Aug-1985 29-Jun-1981
Mauritius 21-Jun-1985 9-Dec-1981
Mexico 21-Jun-1985 21-Jun-1985
Monaco 23-Jan-2003 23-Jan-2003 (a)
Mongolia 21-Jun-1985 3-Jun-1985 (A)
Montenegro 22-Nov-2006 22-Nov-2006 (a)
Morocco 30-Jul-1985 30-Jul-1985
Mozambique 13-Nov-1985 14-Dec-1983
Myanmar 12-Apr-1990 12-Apr-1990 (a)
Namibia 21-Feb-1986 21-Feb-1986 (a)
Nepal 8-Aug-1985 6-Dec-1983
Netherlands 21-Jun-1985 10-Oct-1980 (A)
Nicaragua 1-Jul-1985 28-Mar-1980
Niger 21-Jun-1985 22-Aug-1980
Nigeria 21-Jun-1985 19-Dec-1980
Norway 21-Jun-1985 13-Feb-1981
Oman 21-Jun-1985 6-Jul-1981
Pakistan 21-Jun-1985 29-Oct-1979
Panama 21-Jun-1985 23-Jul-1980
Papua New Guinea 10-Sep-1986 10-Sep-1986
Paraguay 18-Jul-1985 2-Dec-1981
Peru 21-Jun-1985 13-Sept-1982
Philippines 21-Jun-1985 7-Jan-1980
Poland 21-Jun-1985 5-Mar-1985
Portugal 21-Jun-1985 21-May-1984
Qatar 9-Dec-1985 9-Dec-1985 (a)
Republic of Korea 21-Jun-1985 30-Dec-1980
Republic of Moldova 1-Jun-1993 1-Jun-1993 (a)
Romania 21-Jun-1985 28-Nov-1980
Russian Federation 21-Jun-1985 22-May-1985
Rwanda 21-Jun-1985 18-Jan-1983
Saint Kitts and Nevis 11-Dec-1985 11-Dec-1985 (a)
Saint Lucia 19-Nov-1985 11-Aug-1982
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 30-Mar-1987 30-Mar-1987 (a)
Samoa 11-Dec-2008 11-Dec-2008 (a)
Sao Tome and Principe 14-Apr-1986 22-Feb-1985
Saudi Arabia 21-Jun-1985 21-Jun-1985 (a)
Senegal 21-Jun-1985 24-Oct-1983
Serbia 6-Dec-2000 6-Dec-2000 (a)
Seychelles 19-Aug-1985 21-Apr-1982
Sierra Leone 15-Aug-1985 7-Mar-1983
Slovakia 20-Jan-1993 20-Jan-1993 (a)
Slovenia 11-Jun-1992 11-Jun-1992 (a)
Somalia 15-Nov-1985 20-Nov-1981
South Africa 24-Oct-2000 24-Oct-2000 (a)
Spain 21-Jun-1985 21-Sept-1981
Sri Lanka 21-Jun-1985 25-Sept-1981
Sudan 28-Jun-1985 30-Sept-1981
Suriname 24-Dec-1985 8-Oct-1981
Swaziland 3-Apr-1986 19-Aug-1981
Sweden 21-Jun-1985 28-Jul-1980
Switzerland 21-Jun-1985 10-Feb-1981
Syrian Arab Republic 21-Jun-1985 6-Dec-1982
Tajikistan 9-Jun-1993 9-Jun-1993 (a)
Thailand 21-Jun-1985 29-Jan-1981
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 27-May-1993 27-May-1993 (a)
Timor-Leste 31-Jul-2003 31-Jul-2003 (a)
Togo 25-Jun-1985 18-Sept-1981
Tonga 13-Aug-1986 13-Aug-1986 (a)
Trinidad and Tobago 15-Jul-1985 2-May-1980
Tunisia 21-Jun-1985 2-Feb-1981
Turkey 21-Jun-1985 5-May-1982
Turkmenistan 16-Feb-1995 16-Feb-1995 (a)
Tuvalu 13-Sep-2011 13-Sep-2011 (a)
Uganda 5-Dec-1985 23-Mar-1983
Ukraine 21-Jun-1985 10-Jun-1985
United Arab Emirates 1-Aug-1985 4-Dec-1981
United Republic of Tanzania 21-Jun-1985 3-Oct-1980
Uruguay 21-Jun-1985 24-Dec-1980
Uzbekistan 26-Apr-1994 26-Apr-1994 (a)
Vanuatu 17-Aug-1987 17-Aug-1987 (a)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 21-Jun-1985 28-Jan-1983
Viet Nam 19-Jul-1985 6-May-1983 (AA)
Yemen 29-Jul-1985 29-Jan-1982
Zambia 21-Jun-1985 15-May-1981
Zimbabwe 21-Jun-1985 21-Jun-1985 (a)