Analytical and policy advisory services

Solid, evidence-based analysis provides the foundation for sound advice, which in turn translates into appropriate industrial strategies and policies for developing countries and economies in transition. With the right policies, a country can diversify its productive capacity and improve the contribution of industry to achieving both local and global development goals.

Through its analytical and policy advisory services, UNIDO provides Member States with tools to shape appropriate industrial strategies and policies.

UNIDO conducts applied research and evidence-based analysis of economic growth and industrial structural change, and disseminates its findings within the Organization and to the development practitioners’ community. On this basis, it advocates the importance of accelerated industrial development and improved industrial competitiveness as instruments to reduce poverty and contribute to inclusive and sustainable development.

Activities in this area include the regular compilation of statistics specific to industrial development, the publication of major action-oriented knowledge products such as the Organization’s flagship Industrial Development Report, and the provision of applied training through UNIDO’s Institute for Capacity Development. The intellectual contribution of UNIDO to industrial development is used as the basis for technical cooperation activities.

Statistics and other publications can be found under our resources.