UNIDO conducts applied economic research on the patterns of structural change and disseminates its findings both within the organization and to the development practitioners’ community. On this basis, it advocates the relevance of accelerated industrial development and improved industrial competitiveness as instruments to reduce poverty and increase sustainability. UNIDO supports Member States in the design and implementation of policies to expand and diversify their productive capacity, and it advocates for sustainable industrialization strategies at the global and regional level.
Functions include:
- Provide evidence-based analysis of the process of economic growth and industrial structural change in the context of the global economy.
- Convene national, regional and international forums to acquire and disseminate knowledge and expertise, and raise awareness on the role of sustainable industrial diversification and competitiveness policies in economic development.
- Lead the implementation of the UNIDO research agenda in collaboration with units from other Divisions, field offices and external partners.
- Provide strategic advisory services to Member States and regional bodies on industrial policy design and implementation in the field of diversification and competitiveness.
- Support the establishment of mechanisms of benchmarking and self-assessment in industrial development at the regional and country levels.
- Contribute to the production of the Industrial Development Report.
- Support in the advocacy of industrial development in achieving the MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals.
Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index 2011 Preview
UNIDO offers the first preview of its Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index 2011 which is to be released later this year. The CIP index benchmarks national industrial performance of 118 countries using indicators of an economy’s ability to produce and export manufactured goods competitively. An interactive map allows the user to explore the index across countries.
Industrial Energy Efficiency Policy Database
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s Industrial Energy Efficiency Policy (IEEP) Database offers access to information on policy measures that have been implemented or planned to improve industrial energy efficiency at national level. The IEEP Database allows policymakers, energy analysts and advisors, energy entrepreneurs and investors, non-governmental organizations, international organizations and other users to explore information on the implementation, challenges and outcomes of industrial energy efficiency policy measures. Today, the database comprises over 250 policy measures from 40 countries.

Industrial Development Scoreboard – 2007 Update
The Industrial Development Scoreboard is the ranking of the Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index. The CIP Index benchmarks competitive industrial activity at the country level.
World Productivity Database
This website shows the result of recent UNIDO research on productivity performance across countries. The impetus originated from the project “Productivity Performance in 15 Developing Countries”, undertaken between 2004 and 2006. A second round of research on the subject is underway and result from there will be posted regularly.