Network, Centres, Forum and Platforms

Networks, centres, forums and platforms


The Africa Investment Promotion Agency Network (AfrIPANet) is a UNIDO Programme that has been established to provide African Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) with a common platform to discuss and design investment promotion strategies.

Centres for South-South Industrial Cooperation

If the rise of countries in the South is to be harnessed for the mutual benefit of all, it calls for a qualitative enhancement of South-South cooperation. These centers seek to achieve this by identifying and mobilizing the technical, financial, managerial, and other resources required for projects and programmes.


The UNIDO Forum is an online platform which offers field and HQ staff, as well as  outside experts, the possibility to exchange information digitally on a set of topics in a rapid, effective and secure manner.

Investment Monitoring Platform

Global web-based tool to analyse, research, and share investment data for the public and private sectors


The UNIDO International Technology Centres (ITCs) were created to promote industrial development through technology transfer programmes.


The UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPOs) Network provides a unique combination of value-added services to entrepreneurs and institutions seeking international alliances in industrial investment and technology commercialization in and from developing countries and economies in transition.


The Joint UNIDO-UNEP Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in developing and transition economies aims at improving resource productivity and environmental performance of enterprises. It operates through a network of National Cleaner Production Centres that deliver training, technical assistance and policy advice and foster investments for transfer of environmentally sound technologies.

Networks for Prosperity

The Networks for Prosperity initiative focuses on creating a global management system for the development of the private sector.


UNIDO has established Subcontracting and Partnership Exchanges (SPXs) with the objective of helping local enterprises to successfully meet the challenges of globalization and to take advantage of the emerging opportunities that evolve from industrial subcontracting, outsourcing and supply chain opportunities.