China South-South Industrial Cooperation Centre
General information
The UCSSIC China is a collaboration between Peoples Republic of China Government, China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) and UNIDO. It was established in 2006. The objective of the Centre is to contribute to the industrial development and economic growth of developing countries by identifying and mobilizing the technical, financial, managerial, and other resources required for projects and programmes within the framework of South-South cooperation.
The UNIDO Centre for South-South Industrial Cooperation will create a practical, institutional, and operational framework for South-South industrial development in partnership with relevant institutions, counterparts and stakeholders. The programmatic functions of the Centre will be in line with the Millennium Development Goals and the Brussels Programme of Action for the LDCs, contributing toward mutually beneficial partnerships providing regional cooperation and integration.The Centre works to strengthen and facilitate:
- The exchange of experience in industrial policy orientation, formulation, and implementation
- Institutional and enterprise networking for enhancing productive capacities, trade, technology, and investment flows
- The replication of best practices for poverty reduction through industrial development and grassroots innovations serving as rural growth impulses
- Strengthening of national and local innovation systems for using modern technology and enhancing domestic capacity building and adaptive capabilities to commercialize new knowledge
- Promotion of regional trade, investments, and regional integration
Level 5
Yonghe Plaza
No. 28 Andingmen dongdajie
Beijing 100007
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 010-84000708/16
Fax: 010-64097898