ITPO Japan

ITPO Japan

General information

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo was founded in 1981 based on an agreement between UNIDO and the Government of Japan. Its mandate is to promote direct investment and technology transfer from Japan and to foster international outreach of Japanese industries.


  • Delegate Programme: Delegates are invited to promote specific sectors in their country for foreign direct investment and technology transfer from Japan
  • Technology Transfer: Selected productive/environmentally-friendly technologies as well as know-how of Japanese companies seeking overseas partners are promoted
  • Seminars/Events: UNIDO ITPO Tokyo organizes or supports various regional, country specific and/or thematic forums, seminars and workshops
  • Capacity-Building: The office organizes capacitybuilding activities to enable participants to learn about networking, technologies, and business promotion opportunities in Japan

Main partner

  • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan


ITPO Japan
Joware Hanzomon Bldg. 7F,
2-19 Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-0092, Japan

Telephone: (813) 6826-7010
Fax: (813) 3288-3300
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