Global RECPnet & Regional Networks

Global RECPnet

The establishment of the global network for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECPnet) was endorsed by the participants of the first global UNIDO-UNEP RECP programme meeting, hosted by the Government of Switzerland in Luzern in October 2009. UNIDO and UNEP, as the patron agencies of RECP-Net, provide support for the network through their joint RECP Programme.

The global RECPnet in developing and transition countries is a not-for-profit initiative to bundle and utilize existing capacities of NCPCs and RECP service providers. It was officially established in November 2010 by 41 inaugural signatories to the Charter of the RECPnet. The first meeting of the Members’ Assembly took place on 19th October 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya, where the Nairobi RECPnet declaration was adopted.

The objective of the RECPnet is to contribute to the effective promotion and implementation of RECP and to foster North-South and South-South collaboration and transfer of methods, policies and technologies. The functions of RECPnet will include:

•    Innovation and knowledge management;
•    Capacity building;
•    Advocacy; and
•    Quality assurance and branding.

The RECP net is open for membership applications in each of the three categories (regular, associate and observer members). The respective application forms and supportive documents (charter, membership guideline and code of conduct) can be downloaded here.

The completed and signed application form needs to be accompanied by a signed version of the RECP-Charter, and possibly other annexes that you may have referenced in your application form. These would need to be submitted in hard-copy to UNIDO, c/o Rene Van Berkel, Vienna International Centre, Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 300, A1400 Vienna. Advance electronic submission of scanned applications would be appreciated, to r.vanberkel(at) with copy to p.murillo(at)

Completed applications will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and representatives of UNIDO and UNEP in their capacity as secretariat for RECPnet, and a decision on the type of membership (regular, associate or observer) will then be endorsed by the Executive Committee.

Regional network in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC):

The Latin American Network was established by UNIDO in 2004 upon the request of the governments in the region. The Network is currently componed by 11 NCPCs: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Peru.Out of them, UNIDO supported the establishment of 6 National Cleaner Production Centres (NCPCs) and one Network (NCPP) in the region.

The objective of the CPLatinet is to promote cleaner production and environmentally sound technologies and practices in LAC region, through:

–            The development of specific CP and EST programmes and pilot demonstration projects and to foster cooperation with organizations involved in the promotion of CP and EST and related programmes in the LAC region.

–            The establishment of a web-based knowledge management system in Spanish and Portuguese (, for CP and EST know-how sharing and EST transfer among the national members of the network to ensure mutual learning and exchange of ideas, and

–            The promotion of the network and services offered by the NCPCs at regional level

Knowledge Management System (KMS)  in the Arab region:

The development of a global RECP Knowledge Management System to support the operation ofRECPnet and activities of its members was started in 2011 with an initial focus on the Arab region (including Tunisia (regional coordinator), Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco). It is foreseen that knowledge management will contribute to creating a vibrant community of practitioners among the NCPCs and other network members for the implementation and delivery of international environment and sustainable development commitments. This supports the agenda of the Commission for Sustainable Development in Sustainable Consumption and Production. It also facilitates the transfer, innovation and dissemination of low carbon technologies, a key challenge under the Framework Convention on Climate Change.