Industrial Development Abstracts

What is the Industrial Development Abstracts Database (IDA)?

The Industrial Development Abstracts (IDA) is an important source of information on the activities of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to assist industrialization in developing countries. Much of the work is unique and unpublished elsewhere.

What does it contain?

IDA contains over 22,000 fully indexed abstracts of UNIDO documentation and includes descriptions of major studies and reports, reports resulting from UNIDO’s technical cooperation activities, reports and proceedings of expert working groups, workshops and seminars, and publications in series. The time frame is from 1960 to today. New entries are added each month.

How to get copies of the full reports?

All the reports are available as image PDF files. PDF files can be obtained free of charge through UNIDO Publications Sales Office.

Note: The reports whose titles start with (R) are restricted reports and release of such reports are subject to approval of officers in charge due to their confidential nature. When you order restricted reports, we will let you know if they can be released or not