Carbon Capture and Storage – Industrial Sector Roadmap

About the project

CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key technology option for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation. Recent studies suggest that CCS would contribute 19% of the total global mitigation that is needed for halving global GHG emissions by 2050. To date, while there has been significant effort in assessing such technology in the context of power generation, much less attention has been paid to the industry despite the significant potential for emission reductions, particularly in developing countries.
Developing countries account for the majority of industrial energy use and CO2 emissions, and should therefore be informed and participate in technology development and deployment.

Thus, industry CCS is a good opportunity to consider as emerging key low-carbon technology through deployment in the developing world. Preliminary analysis suggests that CCS is especially suited for large-scale industrial processes, specifically: refineries, biofuel production, iron making, cement making, ammonia production, and chemical pulp production.
There remain significant knowledge gaps in moving towards commercial implementation and meeting this potential, especially in industry. This project seeks to address these obstacles by developing a technology roadmap for CCS in various industry sectors, and complements ongoing technology road-mapping exercises for other key energy technologies.

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Expected outcomes

To provide relevant stakeholders with a vision of industrial CCS up to 2050
The CCS Industrial Sector Roadmap will provide a vision for the short and medium term. It will assist paving the way towards low-carbon industrial growth in both industrialized and developing countries.

To strengthen the capacities of various stakeholders with regard to industrial CCS
This project will provide a bridge between CCS experts and CCS stakeholders in developing country. This collaborative approach will particularly benefit developing countries with energy intensive industries.
Future climate change mitigation agreements will most likely involve the need for developing countries to decouple greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth. It is therefore of utmost importance for those countries to fully participate in efforts related to low-carbon technology.

To inform policymakers and investors about the potential of CCS technology
The roadmap will provide insights that will assist policymakers to evaluate the benefits of CCS technology so as to make informed decisions. It will also provide investors with a much needed assessment of the potential for CCS in industry, an application that has been thus far neglected.

To download the roadmap in PDF (2 MB), click here