CDM Project Activities

Engaging the Private Sector in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

The UNFCCC Secretariat, UNDP, UNEP, UNCTAD and UNIDO collaborated on the above project, with the Organization focusing on assisting potential CDM recipient countries to build the capacities required for launching such programmes and projects in the industrial and energy sector. UNIDO activities covered all the stages of the CDM project cycle, including the identification, formulation and design of CDM industrial projects, focusing in particular on the development of methodological options for the baseline. In addition, UNIDO will promote CDM industrial investment opportunities through its Investment and Technology Promotion network.

Support for the Development and Uptake of CDM Projects in the Industrial Sector

With the assistance of the Government of Austria, UNIDO contributed to the mitigation of GHG emissions in a cost-effective manner through capacity building and the development of innovative partnerships. Several barriers to the uptake of CDM projects in the host countries will be addressed, especially the high transaction costs associated with developing individual projects that have sustainability benefits.

Demonstration Project for 10 African Francophone Countries on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Together with UNFCCC (or DNA where in place), UNIDO provided training, advice and assistance to the public and private sector of ten sub-Saharan francophone countries in the CDM investment and technology project cycle. The aim of these activities was to upgrade knowledge of the potential for increased flows of CDM-leveraged FDI and technology and to improve their awareness of the processes related to the CDM project cycle. In addition, UNIDO supported training to identify, develop and prepare industrial CDM projects to a level where they could be picked up by investors. The project attracted much interest with representatives of five national carbon purchase programmes (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany and Netherlands), two Francophone support institutions (HELIO International, Institut de l’Énergie et de l’Environnement de la Francophonie/IEPF) and three private sector institutions (General Electric / GE, India, VATech Finance/Siemens, Det Norske Veritas) attending an open session with the project participants.

Impact of improved technologies on industrial greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries

In response to a formal request by the Group of 77 and China, UNIDO initiated a study to identify opportunities to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from energy-intensive industries in developing countries. These sectors currently include iron & steel, petroleum refining, cement, paper & pulp and nitrogen fertilizers.

Concept for Developing National Capacity to Implement Industrial CDM Project In Africa: Case Study Nigeria

This project aims at assisting Nigeria (and other five African countries) to develop adequate institutional infrastructures for the identification and development of CDM projects. Within these efforts, an enabling environment should be created to illuminate the requirements needed for the channeling of investment resources for CDM projects in the country.

Developing national capacity to implement CDM projects in a selected number of countries in Africa: Preparatory assistance

This project was established to develop an ‘enabling environment’ that allows industry to participate in CDM by addressing and removing barriers to the introduction and transfer of climate-friendly technologies. The countries involved are Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Capacity Mobilization to Enable Industrial Projects under the CDM in Nigeria

Component 5 of the Country Service Framework for Nigeria aims at identifying barriers for the transfer of climate-relevant technologies. In addition, UNIDO assists in preparing capacity building programmes for the industry to benefit from the CDM.

Developing National Capacity to Implement Industrial Clean Development Mechanism Projects in ASEAN

This project provides an overview of actions undertaken to support industrial interests with regard to the Climate Convention in five ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam).

Use of Solar Energy in remote islands in India

This project will establish four Pilot Community Development Centres (CDC) in selected outer islands in India: two in Laccadives and two in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The CDC will be powered by renewable energy hybrid systems and will be equipped with ICT systems designed and developed for the socio-economic situation of the union territories.

Economic Development based on Wind energy: Rural Community Development Centres in Remote Islands in the Maldives

The main objectives of this project are twofold: i) to demonstrate the techno-economic viability of renewable-energy based hybrid systems as alternative environmentally sound solutions to the use of diesel generators for the electrification of the outer islands of the Maldives ; and ii) to demonstrate the positive economic and social developmental multiplying effect that information and communication technologies (ICTs) can have for geographically isolated and dispersed countries such as the Maldives.