Climate Change Meetings for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Vienna climate change meetings for Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) report of the CTI Seminar and the EGM

CTI Seminar proceedings — Recommendations

EGM proceedings — EGM report

Participants list (final)

Photographs — profiles of speakers & reception (30th October); group photos & reception (30th October)

Two climate change meetings will be held in Vienna, Austria between October 27th and 31st 2003, both of which target countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: the Industry Joint Seminar on Technology Diffusion in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, organized by the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) with the co-operation of the Austrian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); and an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on energy efficiency in the context of carbon financing, organized jointly by UNIDO and the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.

Further information on both meetings, including the detailed agendas, papers & presentations, will be accessible from this page as it becomes available.

  • Registration: (please send your full name, title, department, organization, full address, telephone & fax numbers, e-mail + Web page [if available]). Please note that registration and issuance of badges for access to the venue will be issued only for those participants whose names have been previously communicated to the organizers;
  • Venue: Both meetings will be held in Conference Room I (2nd floor, C Building) at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Wagramerstrasse 5, 1400 Vienna, Austria. The VIC can be reached by Underground (U1 – red line), Vienna International Centre station. Visitors should walk to Gate 1 and obtain a meeting badge there before entering the premises.
  • Vienna information(in English)
  • Hotels in the vicinity
  • Aide Memoire

Correspondence and inquiries:

Combined outline of Vienna Climate Change Meetings

CTI Seminar 28-29 October

The theme of the CTI Seminar is “challenges to the governmental, industrial, academic and financial sector for the promotion of technology transfer” will provide an opportunity to discuss the role and function of the industrial sector in diffusion, promotion, and implementation of climate-friendly technologies by inviting representatives from the governmental, industrial, academic and financial sector, aiming to deepen the participants’ awareness on issues concerning climate change, and promote planning of eco-friendly projects by collaborating opinions and expertise of policymakers, technology transfer specialists, private sector companies and financial institutions.

CTI agenda

Instructions for papers

EGM 30-31 October

The EGM will address industrial energy efficiency. It will pose the question “How can carbon financing through the Kyoto Protocol’s Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism, accelerate the uptake of energy efficient technologies and systems in the industry sector?” It will be divided into four sessions each in the form of a panel discussion with five to six panelists per session. Panel members will be experts in either energy efficiency or carbon financing coming from both the target region and OECD countries.

EGM Agenda