Francophone CDM Project

Demonstration Project for 10 African Francophone Countries on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)


  • Project technical meeting proceedings (19-20 September 2005)
  • Training course (21-23 September 2005)
  • Project reports available in French with English summaries
  • Listing of potential CDM projects

Countries participating: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo (Brazaville), Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger & Togo.
Project objectives

The immediate objective of this project is to provide the national government counterpart to the UNFCCC (or DNA where in place) and one representative from the private sector in each of ten sub-Sahara Francophone countries with training, advice and assistance to: upgrade their knowledge of the potential for increased flows of FDI and technology under the CDM; improve their capacity to handle the processes related to the CDM project cycle; and enhance their ability to identify, develop & prepare industrial CDM projects to a level where they could be picked up by investors (Project Idea Note).

The following lists the expected outputs and activities:

Output 1: Ten background studies


Overview of past & current CC/KPR/CDM activities in country
Determining barriers to CDM implementation in country
Presentation to project team & participants at technical meeting & discussion of best way forward

Output 2: Upgraded technical knowledge & awareness raised


Technical meeting on CDM project cycle, project identification, selection and preparation (Vienna for 5 days)
Awareness raising meetings of & consultations with counterparts & stakeholders (in-country)

Output 3: Portfolio of CDM projects


Identification of potential industrial CDM project opportunities & bringing facility managers ‘on-board’
Two CDM project proposals will be identified & developed up to the PIN level by each country participant. The quality of the projects will be monitored by the international experts and advice provided for specific questions that might arise

The background studies will be prepared in French while the PINs will be prepared in English. The studies will be translated into English at the end of the project.