Linking Kyoto with EU ETS

Linking the Kyoto Project-Based Mechanisms with the EU ETS

Venue: Austria Centre, Vienna, Austria

Date: 15-16 September 2005

ENB report  Proceedings

Draft Agenda  Aide Memoire  Directions for reception

The EU Emissions Trading Scheme is the world’s first large-scale GHG trading programme, covering some 7,300 companies and 12,000 installations in 6 major industrial sectors across the enlarged EU. Its implementation will have a profound impact on business and industry carbon management strategies, as industrial emissions increasingly become either an asset or a liability. The EU ETS will also have a major impact on the development of the wider carbon market and on the development of emission reduction projects (CDM and JI) around the world via the implementation of the Linking Directive, which has recently become a subject of intense and controversial debates.

 UNIDO, in cooperation with the Government of Hungary, UK Trade and Investment and the European Commission, is organizing a seminar entitled “Linking the Kyoto Project-Based Mechanisms with the EU ETS”, that will be held in Vienna, Austria, 15-16 September 2005.

The objective of the seminar is to provide a forum for business to advance the understanding and operationalization of emissions trading and its linkages with the CDM and JI. It will provide an opportunity for expert discussion and knowledge sharing among the countries that recently joined the EU, the accession countries and countries with economies in transition that are themselves likely to become hosts of JI projects.

More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Administrative information
  • Registration: (please send your full name, title, department, organization, full address, telephone & fax numbers, e-mail + Web page [if available]). Please note that registration and issuance of badges for access to the venue will be issued only for those participants whose names have been previously communicated to the organizers;
  • Venue: The Seminar will be held in the Austria Centre, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, hall B. This is next to the Vienna International Centre (VIC). The Austria Centre can be reached by Underground (U1 – red line), Vienna International Centre station. Visitors should follow the signs to the Austria Centre.


Correspondence and inquiries

  • For administrative information please contact Ms. Zalfa Sheety, Climate Change Unit, Multilateral Environmental Agreements Branch, UNIDO, Tel: +43 1 26026 3511