
Promoting renewable energy

UNIDO pursues a multi-dimensional and multi-track approach to promote productive uses of renewable energy in developing countries, and offers the following assistance:

Technology demonstration

  • Demonstrating the technical, economical and social feasibility of using different renewable energy technologies for augmenting rural / urban elec trification
  • Promoting renewable energy technologies for industrial applications in energy intensive manufacturing SMEs, which have requirements for motive power, and process heat for low or high temperature applications

Policy support

  • Enabling policy environment that helps in promoting renewable energy technologies, markets and investments
  • Fostering agreements between the industrial sector and the national energy and environment sector regulators, utilities and financing agencies

Capacity building

  • Supporting capacity building of national institutions, public decision-makers, local entrepreneurs and the industry in the field of renewable energy for rural electrification and productive uses
  • Strengthening manufacturing capacities of local industries and enterprises to manufacture, assemble an maintain renewable energy technologies and systems

Global forum activities

  • Bringing together experts, institutions and decision-makers in high level global fora to raise awareness, and promote partnerships
  • Discussing and reviewing current developments and trends in renewable energy technologies, lessons learned and best practices

Information dissemination

  • Enhancing access to databases and dissemination of information on renewable energy sources and technologies, and their applications
  • Promoting clearing house activities for sharing of information, synergies and networking