Training package


This training package on “Sustainable Energy Regulation and Policymaking for Africa” aims at reversing the existing lack of capacity and knowledge on how to foster regulatory and policy environments that will better aid the adoption of more economically (in the long term) and environmentally sustainable methods of energy supply and utilization, both in the industrial, commercial and urban domestic sectors and the rural energy environment in the developing countries.

The main focuses of the training package are the energy regulation and power sector reform, the increased renewable energy technology penetration for rural electrification as well as the sustainable use of energy through energy efficiency in industrial, commercial and domestic sectors (including energy efficiency within buildings).

By providing this training, UNIDO together with REEEP aims at achieving a positive input in these three areas by increasing the awareness and knowledge of energy regulatory and policymaking bodies and their personnel, and thereby strengthen energy sector regulating and policymaking capacity within African governments.


User manual of the training package

Training Package

Training Manual on Sustainable Energy Regulation and Policymaking for Africa