During its more than 10 years of existence, UNIDO’s CP team has set-up and managed CP Programmes and Centres in 35 countries. The delivery of high quality CP services to enhance productivity and competitivesness of industry in a sustainable manner has always been a major element of the programme’s success. As the demand from developing and transition countries for the UNIDO CP Programme is growing, the harmonization and standarization of its tools and metholdologies is becoming an important factor to ensure the quality and the sustainability of the application of CP concept in a country. This, among others, has been a major driver for the elaboration of the present UNIDO endorsed CP award for qualified consultants, trainers and companies.
The award scheme is based on the comprehensive UNIDO CP training toolkit, which has been developed based on 10 years of experience of applying Cleaner Production to industry. It has been launched in 2005 and represents the basis for training seminars and workshop to be delivered by UNIDO’s worldwide CP partners. It is a comprehensive tool aiming at enabling companies to face the growing challenges in increasing their share in the international market and gaining access to new markets. To respond to emerging trends and challenges, the training kit will be up-dated on a regular basis and new elements will be included.
Three different categories of CP awards have been set-up for consultants, trainers and companies. In order to qualify for the CP consultant and/or the CP trainer award, applicants have to undergo a comprehensive training programme delivered by UNIDO entrusted experienced trainers, prove in-depth know-how in training and at plant level and have adequate academic background. More details on the specific requirements can be found in Part 2. To recognize outstanding CP performance of industries, the UNIDO endorsed CP award for companies is being introduced. The requirements for companies are stated in Part 3 of the CP Award Guidelines link below.