UNIDO has spearheaded thematic initiatives involving NCPCs and other partner institutions on the following topics:
- Chemical Leasing: the development and application of service-based business models to foster the efficient and safe use of environmentally sound and safe chemicals in industrial operations. A methodology and business models have been developed and piloted in seven countries, in particular: Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Morocco, Russian Federation, Serbia and Sri Lanka.
- Chemicals and Chemical Waste Management: UNIDO promotes the implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and has actively engaged the NCPCs in implementation of SAICM at the national level through the SAICM Quick Start Programme in for example Egypt, El Salvador and Peru.
- Corporate Social Responsibility: the NCPCs in India and Vietnam collaborated with ILO on its Factory Improvement Programme, which was the precursor for the current SCORE Programme, which is being implemented for example in collaboration with the NCPC in China. UNIDO also produced a comprehensive training and business advisory resource, under its Responsible Entrepreneurs Achievement Programme (REAP), which was extensively tested with several NCPCs including Croatia and Hungary. UNIDO in collaboration with the NCPC in Viet Nam and sector associations in the textile, leather and electronics sector implements a project on adaptation and adoption of CSR in small and medium enterprises in Viet Nam www.csr-vietnam.eu/en/Home.html .
- International Industrial Biotechnology Network: biotechnology is among the few cross-sector enabling technologies for advancing resource productivity and environmental performance. UNIDO recently launched the IIBN to foster the application of biotechnology for sustainable industrial development in developing and transition countries.