UNIDO assists developing countries and countries with economies in transition with the transfer of best available environmentally sound technologies and environmental practices to improve water productivity in industry and prevent discharge of industrial effluents into international waters (rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal areas) thereby protecting water resources for future generations.
Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (TEST)
Support sound management of resources use at priority industrial hot spots, to minimize use, maximize productivity, and promote zero discharge, through demonstration of best practices, application of clean technologies, and capacity building.
Mercury Programme
Introduction of clean technologies and policy reforms to minimize the use and discharges of mercury by promoting Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) through awareness raising, capacity building, and technology transfer.
Large Marine Ecosystems (LME)
Supports the ecosystem approach through demonstration of best practice strategies, capacity building, and strategic partnerships, to reduce the degradation of transboundary river basins and the marine and coastal environments.