The UNIDO TEST-MED project will offer to institutions, experts and enterprises of the South Mediterranean Countries, the opportunity to learn how to use new approaches (TEST integrated approach –Hyperlink to the webpage in this website) for the purpose of transforming existing environmental challenges into business opportunities to increase their competitiveness.
The implementation of the TEST-MED project is expected to generate the following outcomes:
- As a result of the training course and technical assistance provided by international experts and of the hands-on experience, capacity will have been built in networks of national institutions, local experts and in the demonstration enterprises on how to implement the TEST approach. TEST methodology and training material would be available for further commercially based applications in the country;
- At least 80% of the demonstration enterprises will have successfully completed the introduction of the TEST approach; skills of enterprise employees will be upgraded in modern environmental management tools, while actions will be initiated to correct negative industrial practices. The whole process will result in more efficient consumption of production inputs and a reduction of pollution loads generation (at least 60% of the identified feasible CP measures requiring no or moderate investment will have been implemented);
- EST options requiring a high investment (some combination of advanced process, pretreatment and final pollution control technologies) will have been successfully identified for three-quarters of the demonstration enterprises. Investment projects will be prepared and enterprises will be assisted in how to access existing funding opportunities for EST;
- The results achieved in the participating enterprises will have been presented and disseminated in several ways (seminars, reports, seminars, reports, videos) to other enterprises and industrial associations in the hot spots.
- As a result of the project, a newly-educated and motivated cadre of professionals from the participating countries will become engaged in networking to promote TEST approach and will serve to extend the lessons learned from the project to other national experts of the Mediterranean region.