EGYPT – The Egyptian NCPC (ENCPC) in partnership with EWATEC
The ENCPC established in 2004 by UNIDO in close cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), is an integral part of the National Program for “Technology Transfer and Innovation Centers (TTICs)” of MTI and is part of UNIDO/ UNEP National Cleaner Production Center (NCPCs) and National Cleaner Production Programs (NCPPs) . The Centre is fostering dialogue between industry and government, supporting investment and business cooperation to diffuse quality and productivity, enhancing the competitiveness and the productivity of Egypt’s industry, promoting sustainable development.
EWATEC was founded in 1992 as a specialized consulting firm in the field of environmental engineering, cleaner production and waste minimization technology, environmental abatement of industrial pollution, environmental audit, EIA. The firm consultation services extend to pre-investment studies, supervising the implementation, commissioning and trial running of the projects. EWATEC, also, provides Environmental training programs for personnel both in technical and managerial fields in addition to conducting environmental economic studies including cost benefit analysis.
MOROCCO – The Moroccan NCPC (CMPP)
The Moroccan Cleaner Production Centre (CMPP) is the national reference centre for cleaner production in Morocco. The mission of CMPP is to provide technical assistance to the Moroccan industry for the implementation of environmental sound technologies and environmental management systems in order to improve their economical performance in terms of efficiency, productivity and competitiveness as well as the environmental performance. Created in 2000 the CMPP is part of the UNIDO/ UNEP National Cleaner Production Center (NCPCs). The CMPP is the result of a Public Private Partnership between the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Economical Upgrading and is financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco).
TUNISIA – Consortium of Technical Centers
The Technical Centre of Textile – CETTEX, the Technical Centre of Agro-Alimentary – CTAA and the National Centre of Leather and Shoe – CNCC are supporting structures founded to respond to the operators preoccupations and needs, they are commercial and industrial establishments acting under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and SME’s. The three centres offer to the operators and professionals of the three main manufacturing sectors namely the textile and clothing, the Leather and shoes and the agro-food ones a full package of council-services, technical assistance and training programs. The mission of the three technical centres is to promote their respective industrial branch sectors to enhance the competitiveness of the Tunisian companies.