
 Technology Foresight in Asia

The UNIDO Technology Foresight Initiative in Asia has been represented by:

  • The Regional Conference on the Future of Technology Foresight in the South-East Region, held in Malaysia on 30-31 October 2007

Within the context of the UNIDO Foresight Initiative in Asia, the objectives of the two-day conference on Technology Foresight (TF) in Shah Alam, Malaysia, were to build awareness on the usefulness of Technology Foresight for designing strategies of future technological development, the sharing of current thinking on technology foresight (with a focus on the South East Asia region), as well as the establishment of a cooperation basis between UNIDO and the South-East Asia region.

The focus of the conference was to create a platform for knowledge exchange among the participants on the application of technology foresight in the South-East Asia region, based on the experience, methodologies and techniques accumulated by the different countries and organizations.

  • The project, “Policy Advice to Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (STI) 2011-2020 and High Technology Law Implementation”, Vietnam

Vietnam has recorded great achievements in reducing poverty through consistent and high economic growth and industrialization over the past decade. The country aims at becoming an industrialized nation with a  knowledge based economy by 2020. The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of Vietnamese policy makers and stakeholders in developing policies and strategies on science, technology and industrial innovation, compatible with the economic and social goals of the country.

UNIDO will provide technical assistance towards the preparation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy 2011-2020 through a foresight exercise and will build capacity of STI stakeholders engaged in the strategy development process. The project will also provide policy advice on the implementation of the recently promulgated High Technology Law.