Millenium 2015 Women Actors of Development
Millenium 2015 consists of three international conferences orgnized by the Destree Institute and its partners with a perspective vision towards 2015. It is organized to follow up the first action to protect women’s rights on the 8 March 1908. It works with “la prospective” as a method and society as the information context to build a positive vision of the future of women in the whole world.
Technology Roadmapping
UNIDO TR underpins a sustainable competitive advantage of industrial products in the market place. This programme assists developing countries in clarifying future challenges and prospect opportunities to ensure the sustainable development.
Future Oriented Technological Analysis (FTA)
Following the success of 2004 and 2006 events, the International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) has become a major occasion for FTA experts, practitioners and decision-makers to bring their ideas and knowledge together in a highly interactive environment. Building upon this experience, the 2008 FTA Conference is being organised with specific focus on the “impacts and implications of FTA for policy and decision making”.