The UNIDO Training Programme on Technology Foresight* is composed by 5 courses, which will take place as follows:
- Module 1: Technology Foresight for Organizers
- Module 2: Technology Foresight for Practitioners: A Specialized Course on Roadmapping
- Module 3: Technology Foresight for Decision-Makers
- Module 4: Technology Foresight for Corporations;and
- Module 5: Training of Trainers on Technology Foresight
The training programme pursues efforts to develop national and regional capabilities to organize and conduct technology foresight programmes for countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Newly Independent States (NIS).
The courses are offered to professionals, officials and managers as well as representatives of enterprises responsible for applying foresight as an instrument for strategic decision-making in technology development, innovation and industrial policy.
During the courses, leading international experts, deeply involved in foresight exercises world-wide, will deliver lectures and introduce participants to:
- principal foresight experiences and good practices;
- case studies as a reference and inspiration for organizing foresight exercises;
- guided hands-on exercises in organizing foresight programmes; and
- networking of experts and institutions in the region for TF initiatives.
Due to limited seats available, applications are welcome at earliest convenience.
The courses were organized in cooperation with the governments of Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Turkey.
NOTE: UNIDO reserves rights to make any necessary alterations/changes to the programme and cancellation of the events.
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