REAP consultants

REAP is being disseminated to SMEs worldwide, via a network of trained and qualified UNIDO CSR consultants. These certified experts come from various types of public or private business support and advisory institutions with a strong background in environmental, social or productivity upgrading issue, and have undergone a one-week training on the REAP methodology carried out by UNIDO.

In 2007 UNIDO carried out two REAP training courses in Vienna hosting experts from business support and advisory institutions in Europe, Africa and Asia.

The first REAP training took place on 10-14 September 2007 at UNIDO headquarters and counted with the participation of 19 experts from the Central and Eastern European Region, including Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

The second REAP training was held on 10-14 December 2007 in Vienna. This time, the course was opened to experts from all regions. In total, 18 consultants participated covering following countries: Austria, Bosnia i. H., Czech Republic, Indonesia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and Vietnam. Almost half of the trainees are part of the global UNIDO network of National Cleaner Production Centres.