REAP is a CSR-based management and reporting tool. It was developed by UNIDO to assist Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in their efforts to implement CSR-based management approaches and operation methods.
REAP is being disseminated to SMEs worldwide, via a network of trained and qualified local UNIDO CSR experts. These certified experts come from various types of public or private business support and advisory institutions with a strong background in environmental, social or productivity upgrading issue, and have undergone a one-week training on the REAP methodology carried out by UNIDO.
REAP allows for:
- Effective assessment of SMEs’ CSR performance
- Implementation of CSR principles using a concept that is in line with a company’s core business strategy, productivity considerations, operational costs savings and enhanced market access
- Marketing and positioning of SMEs in global value chains
- Standardized reporting for global benchmarking and assessment of SME suppliers and partners worldwide
- Implementation of Responsible Supply Chain Management on local supplier level
REAP is based on the following approaches:
- Triple-Bottom-Line (TBL) Approach, which combines economic, environmental and social data in an assessment of a company’s achievements
- 5S methodology for enhancing workplaces and process efficiency (productivity upgrading)
- Total Employee Involvement (TEI) Concept to allow for continuous improvement
- UN Global Compact (10 principles of responsible business conduct), covering Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption
- Other international standards such as ISO 26000, ISO 14001, SA 8000, OHSAS 18001, etc.
- Best practices in Responsible Supply Chain Management
Who can work with REAP:
- UN Global Compact Networks
- Public and private CSR business advisory institutions
- Business, environmental and technology management consultants
- SME development agencies
- Business associations
- Chambers of commerce
- Supplier development experts of large companies (responsible supply chain management)