Quality and compliance infrastructure

UNIDO helps developing countries and economies in transition to comply with international standards. Product traceability to ensure information on the source of produce is just one example of the global standards with which exporters need to comply in order to enter foreign markets. Manufacturers in developing countries and related industry support institutions need to develop systems to comply with the new management standards, and therefore require assistance in related capacity building, awareness building and the dissemination of the necessary know-how and information.

UNIDO also provides technical assistance to ensure that before products enter global markets they are adequately tested according to international standards and conformity assessment requirements. Countries are required to operate laboratories, which are able to test products and samples for compliance to international standards.

In sumary, UNIDO’s assistance aims to:

  • Enable national standards bodies to offer services for industrial compliance with WTO agreements, especially on TBT/SPS, while taking into account private sector, exporter and consumer needs;
  • Develop local capacities in metrology, calibration and product testing, in order to provide services to local testers, producers and exporters according to international best practices, and also to enhance consumer protection;
  • Make internationally recognized certification services for international public and private standards regarding, inter alia, quality, environment, social accountability, food safety, and traceability, available to exporters and local enterprises;
  • Enable national and regional accreditation schemes to assess the performance of local and regional laboratories, inspection units and certification bodies; and
  • Build the capacities of consumer associations to promote consumer rights based on national policies and in line with international best practices.