Selected Projects

A selection of UNIDO field projects within the Organization’s three thematic areas: Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities; Trade Capacity-Building; and Environment and Energy.

Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities

Arab Region – Youth entrepreneurship and Hewlett-Packard Learning Initiative for IT capacity building and job creation

Since 2008, UNIDO has been partnering with Hewlett Packard (HP) to address entrepreneurship and IT training needs in the Arab region, thereby fostering employment and the creation of enterprises.

Bahrain – Facing youth unemployment by shaping the spirit of entrepreneurship

The growing youth bulge and unemployment rates in the Middle East are indicators of a need for a sustainable solution for poverty reduction and job creation.

Egypt – Support for creative industries entrepreneurship

UNIDO’s technical assistance will focus on providing technical services and training for entrepreneurship development and support of creative and traditionally present industries with a view towards addressing poverty alleviation and creating self-employment.

Iraq – Date palm sector rehabilitation

UNIDO has partnered with the Iraqi Dates Processing and Marketing Company (IDPMC), the market leader in the Iraqi date sector. Focusing on the largest processing facility owned by the IDPMC, which is situated in Baghdad, UNIDO assisted the company through three key activities: capacity-building, rehabilitation and technology transfer.

Iraq – Enterprise creation, access to finance and investment promotion

The programme, designed to support the development of a sound private sector in Iraq, is composed of three interlinked Project, spanning a time period of 2007 until 2014, with an overall project volume of more than 10m USD.

Iraq – Mechanic and heavy industries sector

Promoting women’s involvement in education and employment opportunities plays a vital role in Iraq’s post-crisis rehabilitation and future economic growth and social development.

Iraq – Rehabilitation of the Iraqi specialized institute for engineering industries

This UNIDO project intends to assist Iraq in its endeavours for the reconstruction of its economic infrastructure. It will particularly provide support for the rehabilitation of the Specialized Institute for Engineering Industries (SIEI), which due to the war and subsequent sanctions has suffered extensive damage.

Lebanon – Promoting Lebanese entrepreneurship and investment

In 2010 UNIDO launched the Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion Program(EDIP) in partnership with the Arab Regional Center for Entrepreneurship & Investment promotion Training (ARCEIT) and the Federation of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon (FCCIAL).

Lebanon – Reconstructing livelihoods

At the request of the Government of Lebanon, UNIDO launched a project in 2007 to help rebuild Lebanon’s agro-industries, and thus restore livelihoods.

Morocco and Kuwait – Export consortia activities

To tackle some of the issues linked to export promotion involving SMEs and small producers, UNIDO has been implementing a project for the development of export consortia. This specialized model of an SME network can significantly improve SMEs export potential and reduce the costs and risks involved in penetrating foreign markets, by combining companies’ market knowledge, products, human and financial resources.

Morocco – Women entrepreneurs

UNIDO, in collaboration with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), devised an entrepreneurship programme to improve the income opportunities of the rural population whilst enhancing the competitiveness of small-scale olive oil producing, textile and fruits and vegetable drying groups managed by women.

Morocco – Potential olive and argan oil production

The olive tree represents the most important part of Moroccan tree crops. Olive oil entrepreneurs in Chefchaouen produced olive oil using a traditional and old method.

Somaliland – Integration and employment opportunities for displaced groups

Through an improvement in employment opportunities and a rise in incomes within communities, UNIDO aims to foster economic integration among local communities that feel their livelihood threatened by other members of society.

Sudan entrepreneurship and pro-poor vocational training centres (VTCs)

UNIDO’s role in assisting the Government and the private sector in Sudan is in addressing the demands for job creation and innovations in the vocational and skills development sector.

Tunisia – Market access facilitation for selected value chains of typical food products

The UNIDO-SECO project in Tunisia entitled Projet d’accès aux marchés des produits agroalimentaires et de terroir (PAMPAT) aims at improving the performance, market access and socio-economic conditions of the Harissa, Djebba figue and the cactus/prickle-pears value chains.

Tunisia – Support for women and youth job creation

UNIDO plays a leading role in promoting a sound and sustainable private sector development. In particular, given the limited absorptive capacity of formal labour markets, UNIDO promotes entrepreneurship as feasible option to create employment (especially youth employment).

Trade Capacity-Building

Egypt – Trace me back

UNIDO established the Egyptian Traceability Centre for Agro-Industrial exports (ETRACE), funded under an Italian-Egyptian Debt-for-Development Swap programme, to make Egyptian agro-industrial export safer, more competitive and compliant with stringent market standards and regulations.

Lebanon – Packaging and labelling makes the difference

UNIDO, with the support of the Lebanon’s Government, established LibanPack, the Lebanese Packaging Center within the framework of UNIDO’s MACLE Project funded by Switzerland.

Syria – Industrial modernisation and upgrading programme

Industrial Modernization and Upgrading project Phase I for Syria aimed at developing the competitiveness of the private manufacturing sector, focusing on the textile value chain, so that it can benefit from new trade opportunities in the regional and global markets.

Environment and Energy

Algeria – Recovery and refrigerants recycling

Upon the request of the Government of Algeria, UNIDO developed a refrigerant Management Plan in cooperation with the Algerian National Ozone Unit, which entailed training in good refrigerant management practices for technicians, training for customs officers and the National Ozone Unit (NOU) in monitoring and controlling Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), and finally the establishment of the national refrigerant recovery and recycling network.

Arab Region – Phase-out of HCFCs

UNIDO is assisting several countries in the region to develop strategies for the first stage of the HCFC phase-out schedule, namely Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.

Egypt National Cleaner Production Centre

The centre acts as a vehicle for promoting green technologies transfer and innovation for the Egyptian Industry. The ENCPC provides technical assistance for technology transfer in the fields of resource efficiency, industrial waste valorization in addition to energy efficiency and renewable energy applications.

Egypt – Phase-out of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) consumption in the manufacture of aerosol metered dose inhalers

The project was funded by the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and implemented by UNIDO in close cooperation with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) through the National Ozone Unit of Egypt.

Egypt – Promoting low-carbon technologies

The Egyptian Government is translating its response to the global and national energy and climate change issues by putting in place appropriate strategies and action plans.

Global – Chemical Leasing: Redefining the Sustainable Management of Chemicals

Chemical Leasing is service-orientated business model that adopts a multi-stakeholder approach to promote the sound and efficient management of chemicals throughout their life-cycle. UNIDO, with the direct support of the governments of Austria and Germany, has been pioneering Chemical Leasing in developing countries and transition economies since 2004. Download the factsheet, which takes a closer look at how Chemical Leasing brings about a win-win situation for the chemical supplier and the chemical user, as well as the environment.

Lebanese Cleaner Production Centre (LCPC)

The vision of the LCPC is to become recognized nationally and regionally as the leading technical centre for the promotion of sustainable industrial production modes, focusing on cleaner production and the transfer of cleaner and environmentally sound technologies (ESTs).

Morocco – Phase-out of Methyl Bromide used for soil fumigation for Moroccan tomato production

The project was funded utterly by the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and implemented by UNIDO in close cooperation with the Moroccan Government and the Moroccan Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers and Exporters (APEFEL).

South Mediterranean region – Greening industries along the Mediterranean Sea

UNIDO is assisting Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to adopt environmentally sound technology, tackling highly polluted sea water as a result of land-based activities.