China: Enterprise Development

Bamboo skills development, production and demonstration centre


To help accelerating the pace of economic growth and poverty alleviation in China through the promotion of employment and income generating activities in the SME sector through the implementation of the Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Program.


To train qualified trainers by using EDIP methodology in order to help creating/developing more SMEs to increase job opportunities. Strategies as following:

  • EDIP Methodology
  • Enterprise Creation Program
  • Preparation. Empowerment and training with the ultimate objective of assisting the potential entrepreneurs to set up their own enterprises.
  • Counseling. Technology tie-up which could lead to a full-fledged partnership through the UNIDO ITPO network office(Bahrain, Belgium, China, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Russian Federation, UK).
  • Financial Linkages. Entrepreneurs are advised and guided to completing the required formalities for seeking loan support from the financial institutions.
  • Business Development Services and Advisory for Enterprise Growth Including Establishment of Business Incubators/technology park.
  • Enterprise Growth Program


  • 20 local staff of WECBA trained on a well functioning EDIP program
  • 40 potential entrepreneurs indentified and groomed to enter into business activities targeting especially academic and technical staff of People’s University of China. Up to 10 new industrial and service enterprises established, providing new employment opportunities.
  • Approximately 40 existing enterprises selected for the enterprise growth program and up to 10 existing enterprises assisted in expanding their business.

For more information on this project:

Mr Weixi Gong
Senior Coordinator for South-South Cooperation
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